We are now just two days shy of 2025, and many of us are eager to see the last of this year. Admittedly, it has not been an easy year, nor has it been necessarily kind. It has, however, been a pivotal year - and for all of the bad, there has been an almost equal amount of good. I was able to open our brick and mortar shop in the heart of downtown Salem, and before the year's end, I have been given the opportunity to expand the business, literally and metaphorically. As we move into 2025, we are now offering readings and spiritual consultations - and we are planning a renovation to make the shop space large enough to host workshops, small classes, and a drop-in DIY magic corner!
Indeed, 2025 promises to hold a lot of wonderful things for me personally, and for The Sea Wych Salem. So what does 2025 hold for you? While psychics seem to be split in their predictions for the coming year overall (and not a lot of it looks good), we have looked instead at the magical number - 9. 2025 adds up to 9, a divine number across most cultures and beliefs. Nine is the number of completion - of cycles ending, and of new beginnings. It is a number of the divine, of wisdom, of compassion, of growth.
For me as a sea witch of European (Celtic) descent, that's a potent number indeed. If you've taken a workshop with me, you'll have heard me speak of the ninth wave, and the old belief that waves come in groupings of nine. In Celtic mythology, the ninth wave is said to be the barrier between worlds, the waters of the wave itself sacred and sought after for charms and spells. The ninth wave is also representative of transitions, turning points, revelation, and transformation.
When taken together, the myths and mystery of the ninth wave and the numerological significance of the number nine, it's easy to see that 2025 is primed to be a very transformative year for all of us, each in our own way.
As you are setting your goals and intentions for 2025, meditate on this. After all, the holidays are nearly past and it is time to turn within, clear the cobwebs of 2024, and make room for the new life of 2025.
If you are interested in a more definitive outlook for the year ahead as it pertains to you, consider booking a reading with me! Our books are open for January, but spots are limited, so consider reserving your spot today (click on the Workshops and Services tab in the header). If, however, you have your outlook and plan in place, consider the magic of 2025 as you finalise your own visions and intentions. And share your own thoughts in the comments! What do you have planned in 2025? What transitions are you looking forward to?